Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Getting in the zone


Besides riding to the top of here, watching these guys win an unwinnable game, and having a crap-ton of fun here, I still managed to code an extraordinary amount. Wrote a Facebook application (I’ll talk about talk about that eventually), came up with a bunch of ideas for other ones (if I feel like spending the time…), and got a large amount of work done on my main project. As usual, that’s why I didn’t blog much. Quite a lot for one weekend.

One thing I learned in college is my productivity revolves almost entirely around the music I listen to. Over the many coding all-nighters (thank you very much CMPS), I experimented with different genres/artists. To my surprise, even though I rarely listen to hip-hop, especially modern day crap, there is one artist that just works for me. I can’t figure out why, maybe it’s the lyrical flow or something of the sort, but Method Man (below) brings out the best work in me.

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By Zvi
Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
