Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

I Survived


In Ben Horowitz’s Hard Things About Hard Things (arguably one of the best leadership books recently released), one of the early chapters really landed on me, especially as I reflect on the last year.

I do think that gratitude is an important skill to have throughout the year – but as I look back, I’m just happy to have survived. While other team members, executives, and founders can focus on their respective area – the buck stops with the CEO, who, more often than not, is figuring out a way to survive through all the good, not so good, and downright terrible times.

Top line – Contactually had a great year. Good growth, amazing team built, capital raised, customers happy, product shipped. But as the year winds down, I also look back at the number of times I’ve seen the company nearly take a head shot. When a major customer calls with a heart-stopping issue. When the cash starts to dwindle. When you have to part ways with executives. When morale nosedives. When you’re surprised by a vendor claiming major cost overages. When you hear no.

All of these could have killed us. But they didn’t – we figured our way out of it. And we emerged, with a huge opportunity ahead of us.

So the last thing I’m thankful for – I’m grateful to have survived another year in this insane journey.

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By Zvi
Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
