Ohhh just what you want to see (click here)…. A video game where you go around killing Jews who won’t convert.
Religious War
Ohhh just what you want to see (click here)…. A video game where you go around killing Jews who won’t convert.
I was watching 30 Rock last night (surprisingly good show, a combination of dry humor and the ridiculousness that is Tracy Morgan). Alec Baldwin’s character made a joke about Six Sigma, and all the other characters looked confused.
Is it sad that after three months here, I know what Six Sigma is?
In the course of finishing my education and entering the workforce, the dynamics of my life have changed dramatically. Besides diet/living situation/car/DEBT/money, it has been a welcome adjustment of the division between work and free time, and the stress associated with it.
I’ve got three more years to make it. Watch me.