I want one.Courtesy of Evil Mad Scientist (thanks, guys!)This would go along really well with my business card case. And probably ensure that I remain unmarried for the rest of my life.
Idea: Online Speed Dating
I was reading an article by Paul Graham, and he mentioned this… “…dating sites currently suck far worse than search did before Google. They all use the same simple-minded model. They seem to have approached the problem by thinking about how to do database matches instead of how dating works in the real world. An undergrad could build something better as a class project. And yet...
Updated: Metro Times.
Is done*. I am so 1337. *OK, fine, it’s not totally done yet. It still is missing the SMS interface. But I am waiting for emails from vendors, and my second alternative (sending SMS through e-mail) can’t be done yet because Sun’s dev website is down for maintenance. The command line interface is awesome. You can just type the first few letters of a metro station, and it’ll...
Metro Times.
I just came up with an awesome idea. I was at a bar for a close friend’s birthday last night. I am a morning person, so I tend to go to sleep pretty early at night (usually), and thus didn’t want to be out late. And for sure, I didn’t want to leave the bar early, walk to the Metro, and find out that the next train is 18 minutes away. So I was thinking… why can’t I...
Kosher MREs
As if Kosher (Jewish Dietary Rules) airline meals weren’t bad enough… military rations.
The Only Flowchart I’ll Follow
Laughed my ass off for a good 10 minutes.
Schoolyard Geek Bully
I wish I still had my lego sets.
Billionaire Boot Camp
Another couple articles on Unit 8200, which I had talked about in a previous post. Unit members are taught that there’s no such thing as “impossible,” while “no” is something temporary that can change by persistence and insistence, even if it’s the Unit commander himself who said “no.” Billionaire Boot Camp [Subscription Required for Full Story :...
We just have to beat them.
Since we released our Facebook application to the wild, our numbers have been steadily growing. Not in the 1000s a day, but enough to give me and my co-developer on this project some pride
Of course, we have one primary goal in mind, for now. We gotta beat PMS-o-meter.
Comcast Hinders BitTorrent Traffic
I hate Comcast.If another high speed provider were to come along, offer untouched bandwidth and decent customer service (sorry Verizon), Comcast would be finished. Hell, you could even charge triple the price.
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