Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.



Mozilla Lighting Updated


Fired up Mozilla Thunderbird this morning, to find an update for Mozilla Lightning, the calendar plug-in for their e-mail client. I had installed it before and absolutely hated it mainly because of the crappy/ugly interface. The new interface, however, is really slick. Thanks open source!

DC Startup Weekend Going Really Well, It Seems


Background: Startup Weekend is an idea where area developers/entrepreneurs/geeks gather and, from idea selection to launch, develop a web application, and hopefully start a bona fide company out of it. DC’s Startup Weekend is this weekend. I never signed up because of various other commitments going on, but I am proud to be a cosponsor of it. Wish I had time to stop by! They are doing a...

Hosted Source Control, Bug, Issue Tracking


I’ve been using Freepository to host my current projects, but Unfuddle looks good enough to switch to, and their plans seem pretty decent. I had been getting pretty sick of the current issue trackers I’ve been using, which always seem to be butt ugly.

My Beliefs and Why I’m Doing It, Part 1


It’s commonplace among technical entrepreneurs to have a form of ADD when working on web applications. You sell yourself (and maybe one or two others) on a great idea, pursue it ruthlessly for some short period of time, then, just as it is nearing completion, hit a wall (like advertising it) or come up with a better idea, lose interest, and already moved on to the next project. As time goes...

Geek Cred: The Lowest Number


I was playing around with FriendCSV, which exports data on your Facebook friends into a format that can be imported into any number of applications. It’s cool, but the only worthwhile information are birthdays (Facebook, taking the black-hole approach to data retention, doesn’t let out essential contact information)… and the user IDs of all your friends. Quick lesson for non...

On Validation


There’s nothing more satisfying these days than someone liking your idea. Loving it is even better. Especially if they are someone who knows their stuff, knows what to do, and knows who to talk to. It validates all the sweat equity you’ve put in to your work.
Can’t wait.

Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
