There have been many studies and articles about the changes in the human mind due to the Internet. The Atlantic has a particularly powerful one. Even as I was reading it, I constantly found myself switching around to email, twitter, facebook, google reader, etc. I’ve been noticing for a while that, since graduating from college where I had to memorize programming languages, I learn less and...
Did I build one of the first microblogging tools?
A little over two years ago, in the summer between graduating and starting a “real job” I spent a good amount of time at the gym, brushing up on my various web skills, and building cool apps. I didn’t necessarily want to get rich off them, they were more exercises in taking my ideas and actually doing something with them, rather than letting them linger in the netherworld of...
Work/Life Balance
My first job out of college was working for a major consulting company. As is common in large companies, corporate principles and values are conveyed through long-thought out materials… standardized presentations, decks, and emails. One of the values that was always conveyed to me was creating and maintaining a standard work-life balance. At that point in time, I couldn’t understand what that...
Two years out…
Long time no posting. I’ve been rockin’ hard at JESS3. It’s been trying times, but I’m learning a lot and we’re making great things. Unfortunately that means no blog-reading, no blogging, and a host of other things sacrificed. Opportunity costs of getting things done. I love a good challenge. It’s been exactly two years since I graduated from the University of...
730 Days
Alex and I have been dating two years today. 🙂
Year of the…
The beginning of a new year, like any other major milestone, is always a time for reflection, evaluation, and prediction. Main stream media, websites, bloggers, all give predictions (I’m guilty as well). This year, it’s one of three things: Mobile – We’ve seen this prediction at least half a dozen times. I still see too many barriers, and nothing to break through. Phone...
Career Planning: Opportunity
I’ve been out of college for a year and a half now (has it been that much/little?). I’ve been paying serious attention to the future, and more importantly, how I should approach my career. One of Marc Andreessen‘s blog posts has been the most influential and eye opening. Instead of the “if you had a million dollars”, “ten year plans” and other assorted...
Nerd Networking and the Capital Cabal
I’m not a networker. I’ll give you a second to get over the shock. I’ve always operated under the impression that in the technical world, doing great work far outweighs who you know and who knows you, and that “networking” is left to the business types. In the corporate world, this holds true. You do good work, you get promoted (most of the time). Any time the word...
Entrepreneurship in the DC Area
I had been planning on writing my thoughts on this for a while, but spurred on by the announcement of a local tech incubator launching in the coming months, I felt it was time to write something. Tech entrepreneurs, who dedicate so much of their lives to connecting people regardless of geographic location, still rely on real-world networking and face to face interaction. Online companies still...
On Productivity
Having such lofty goals, and so little time to do it, maximizing my productivity is crucial. Every minute has to be devoted to doing something useful, and I have to ensure I have the mindset and the motivation to do it. You could spend hours on Lifehacker and similar sites, reading other people’s productivity secrets (including celebrities), but it takes time to discover and tweak what...