I had been planning on writing my thoughts on this for a while, but spurred on by the announcement of a local tech incubator launching in the coming months, I felt it was time to write something. Tech entrepreneurs, who dedicate so much of their lives to connecting people regardless of geographic location, still rely on real-world networking and face to face interaction. Online companies still...
On Productivity
Having such lofty goals, and so little time to do it, maximizing my productivity is crucial. Every minute has to be devoted to doing something useful, and I have to ensure I have the mindset and the motivation to do it. You could spend hours on Lifehacker and similar sites, reading other people’s productivity secrets (including celebrities), but it takes time to discover and tweak what...
Partnering Up
Big changes are going on, as you can guess by the title. We still have to work out the details. It’s a lot less stress, because I no longer have to confront everything myself. But, at the same time, it introduces all the issues that arise when working with other people – trust, delegation, responsibility, legal – these come up regardless of how close people are...
DC Startup Weekend Going Really Well, It Seems
Background: Startup Weekend is an idea where area developers/entrepreneurs/geeks gather and, from idea selection to launch, develop a web application, and hopefully start a bona fide company out of it. DC’s Startup Weekend is this weekend. I never signed up because of various other commitments going on, but I am proud to be a cosponsor of it. Wish I had time to stop by! They are doing a...
My Beliefs and Why I’m Doing It, Part 1
It’s commonplace among technical entrepreneurs to have a form of ADD when working on web applications. You sell yourself (and maybe one or two others) on a great idea, pursue it ruthlessly for some short period of time, then, just as it is nearing completion, hit a wall (like advertising it) or come up with a better idea, lose interest, and already moved on to the next project. As time goes...
On Validation
There’s nothing more satisfying these days than someone liking your idea. Loving it is even better. Especially if they are someone who knows their stuff, knows what to do, and knows who to talk to. It validates all the sweat equity you’ve put in to your work.
Can’t wait.
My Lack of Faith in Online Advertising
Advertising has been one of the favorite (attempted) revenue sources for many startups, dating back to the Web 1.0. The general idea is, build something interesting that people will use, throw some ads (brokered through a third party), and just wait for the cash to come in. This doesn’t work for me. Maybe that’s a bad opinion for me to have, as it is the popular choice, and...
Burn the Boats
The conquistador Cortes provided a model for all intrepid souls….that
is to burn the boats on the shore and ensure no way back and the stark
need to make the expedition succeed or go down trying.
Inspirational post by Will Price. Made my day.
The Man In The Arena
If someone has failed before he’s even more likely to invest – “It makes them want to win even more,†he said. He generally doesn’t look at business plans at all, and just invests in the individual. I remember meeting Yossi Vardi when I was in Israel a couple years ago. Mike Arrington has a great writeup on him. I remember a bunch of my colleagues ran up and gave him their business...
How to Raise Money From VCs
Besides giving some good advice, I couldn’t help but laugh while watching this.
I love israelis.