Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.



Idea: Picket Fence Project


I’m thinking about starting an open source project, based on a need I see. I’m working on fleshing out the idea a little bit more, and recruiting some local PHP developers I know to help me. I don’t have time for this, but who does? One of the great things about developing third-party applications on Facebook and other platforms is that everything related to user authentication...

WidgetDevCamp Presentation


Sorry for the week delay… hard to post when you’re in the middle of a mountain (literally). WidgetDevCamp was awesome, thanks to everyone, especially Peter Corbett and Justin Thorp. Here are my slides: | View | Upload your own I gave a presentation about Facebook development, and afterwards they asked to actually see an application being developed, so I did just that. The...

Giuliani gets creamed by the NY Times


I found this breathtaking – not just that they endorsed someone else, but that Giuliani gets completely torn apart. These three paragraphs disassemble the image of Rudy as “America’s Mayor.” Primary Choices: John McCain – New York Times The real Mr. Giuliani, whom many New Yorkers came to know and mistrust, is a narrow, obsessively secretive, vindictive man who saw...

Idea: WatchWithMe


Let’s pretend for a second that the writers weren’t on strike, and we had decent TV on. Watching TV is enjoyable, right? It’s also fun to watch it with others. In college, we’d always get together to watch the latest episode, talk about it, etc. A shared experience is always better than sitting alone on your couch. But nowadays, I come home from work, and by the time...

Speaking at WidgetDevCamp


I’ll be at WidgetDevCamp this weekend.
I’ve planned to talk about developing Facebook applications and how they “work”, with a particular spin on developing widgets. I may also be collaborating with one or two other people on some other topics – we’ll see how that plays out.
I’ll post slides after.
If you are there, say hi.

What The Next President Should Do


362 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes. In 362 days, we’re going to have a new president. We’re mired right now with candidates of both parties yammering about their platforms, attacking each other (since when did being called a Muslim get considered an insult?), and telling us what we think is important. But what do you think is important? I was told of a site, On Day One, that asks you just...

Israel Says Shalom to Electric Cars


Many believe that Israel is a perfect country for testing electric cars, due to the short distances between major cities, its entrepreneurial prowess, and its unique geopolitical needs. Will Israel be the first country to be fully electric? Israel is already leading the way in solar technology. Story here and here. See more about Project Better Place. I think this organization could have real...

On Charging Clients


In Israel, I often get around by taxi, if a bus isn’t convenient. Many fear the public transportation system, because of past history of bus bombings, and avoid it altogether. You have two choices when you climb in an Israeli taxi. You can have them use the meter, or you can negotiate a price. Negotiate a price for a cab ride? There is no such thing as a set price in Israel, or the ME in...

Yossi Vardi Quote


A Conversation with Yossi Vardi
Technology is like a piano. You need to have it to create music but you really need the pianist. The entrepreneur is to technology as the pianist is to the piano.

Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
