Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.





I love interactive sites pertaining to TV shows or movies. LOST: talks about it. When will campaigns like this become part of the experience, and not just a promotion for the show? The first one I can remember is for Starship Troopers. They had a great game that replicated the style of the movie and built up a great following people who were excited for the movie months in advance. Too bad the...

Edible Flying Spaghetti Monster


But Pastafarians now have all other religions beat in the edible department. We don’t have any food with googly eyes.
Edible Flying Spaghetti Monster by Evil Mad Scientist. If you aren’t subscribed to Evil Mad Scientist, you’re wrong.

Year of the…


The beginning of a new year, like any other major milestone, is always a time for reflection, evaluation, and prediction. Main stream media, websites, bloggers, all give predictions (I’m guilty as well). This year, it’s one of three things: Mobile – We’ve seen this prediction at least half a dozen times. I still see too many barriers, and nothing to break through. Phone...

Blue Angel Buzzes SF Bay


I grew up on the Blue Angels.

via Danger Room
Why didn’t I join the Navy? More:

Career Planning: Opportunity


I’ve been out of college for a year and a half now (has it been that much/little?). I’ve been paying serious attention to the future, and more importantly, how I should approach my career. One of Marc Andreessen‘s blog posts has been the most influential and eye opening. Instead of the “if you had a million dollars”, “ten year plans” and other assorted...

Check DC Metro Times Online and On Your Cell! Metro Times Relaunches As GetMetroTimes.com


After considering it for a while, I decided to give my DC Metro Times checker it’s very own website! Everyone welcome getmetrotimes.com ! GetMetroTimes.com is a FREE service that allows you to quickly and easily check when the next metro train is arriving at your nearest station. You can check it online, or on your cell phone with just a quick text message! We charge you absolutely nothing...

DC on Christmas Morning


I woke up early (5 AM) to work at a soup kitchen on Christmas Day. I love driving around on Christmas day, because the streets are empty. I stopped at a Starbucks (shocked that they were open), and was able to park (an amazing feat itself) and then stroll across one of the busiest streets in DC, without a single car around. Was way too dark at 5 AM, but here are some pictures from around 9. 16th...

Philadelphia gets its own incubator


Early stage incubators are hot now. A couple months ago LaunchBox Digital was announced. Now a new one is launching in the mid-Atlantic area. Hello DreamIt Ventures! Modeled on organizations such as Y Combinator in Silicon Valley and Boston, and TechStars in Boulder, Colo., it plans to raise a fund of $350,000 to $500,000 to provide eight to 12 teams of entrepreneurs with money and assistance to...

Facebook’s New Friends List – Is Lacking.


Nick O’Neill of AllFacebook just pointed out that you can now separate all your Facebook friends out into groups. It can be used to send out mass messages and event invitations. But…. I think they are missing the main point of segmenting your friends: privacy. In my mind, the whole reason for being able to put people into groups is so you can control what each group of people see. I...

Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
