Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

All I see is changes….


Haven’t posted in a while. No excuses. Moving on.

An absurd amount has been going on recently in my life. Besides working my tush off for my job (12 hour days are killer), I’ve been busy as hell in my free time as well….

  • After a month of talking to the mushheads at 1&1 trying to get my old domain transferred over, they finally gave in, and now I have, voila, the brand new SkeevisArts. Now all the links I placed on my former clients’ sites are no longer pointing to nothing! I dont think I’ll expand much on that site. I want to keep it simple, and focus more of my efforts on the other sites in my corral. I’ll prolly just update it with the most recent site I have. We’ll see how crazy things get, I might have to keep a separate blog running there and keep this one purely my own.
  • I FINISHED IT! I FINISHED IT! After so many instances of me half-assing and giving up part way on web projects, I finally, finally, completed the first non-client website that I can truly say… is done. I have more below about it.
  • I have a big project that I’m working on. No, actually two…. Or is it three? I have so many concepts for web products and services that I find myself rushed just so I can work on all of them. But I’ve disciplined myself, and I’m focusing on one at a time. I picked what I feel is the biggest risk, because it has, if it is in any way successful, the biggest reward. I laid out the database framework for it yesterday, it will definitely be one of the most complicated projects I have ever taken on. I find myself actually debating whether or not I should just pull an all nighter just so I can complete it.

So yeah…. ThoughtFog. I finished it. When I started off my first blog instance back in freshman year of college, I used it as a way to express myself in a way I felt I couldn’t do in person, mainly because I didn’t want to create conflict or have a face to face. Well I grew out of it over the years, and now I am someone who can actually hold conversation with people and talk. But back then, one of the major issues with my blog was that anonymity was stripped out. I wanted to have a place where I could just post thoughts, and it wouldn’t matter what else I said, who I was talking about, or even that I was the one posting it. Therefore… ThoughtFog. A completely anonymous community where you can post what you think and want to say, with no identity attached whatsoever.

I really challenged myself and had a great deal of fun making this site. I got to play with rss, captcha, tagging, input validation and secure programming, css, and table free design. But forget what I learned… I have so much pride in having what I feel is a bug-free, completed product. There’s nothing left for me to do.

Except…. tell people. Oh yeah. Right now there is one post (that I made) and one comment on that post (that I made). Unfortunately, the web is not like a store on Main St. that just opens its doors and people fly into. I need to work on marketing the site, and getting a real community formed. We’ll see how this goes, I have a feeling that getting it started up will be the hardest and most exhausting part.

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By Zvi
Zvi Band Relationships are our most important asset.

Zvi Band

Founder of Contactually.
I'm also passionate about growing the DC startup community, and I've founded Proudly Made in DC and the DC Tech Meetup.
