We built Contactually initially to solve a relatively simple problem. While it’s, for many, an important aspect of growing their business and career – keeping track of and staying in touch with key relationships is not an easy task. We were fortunate to yield significant results there, measured not only in the user testimonials about their business growth, but in demand and scale of...
The Age of Belonging
[This is a meta post, summing up a plethora of research I’ve been doing to form this thesis. The thinking, therefore, represents larger trends and not any one article I can link to. I plan on publishing as many resources as possible in the near future, as soon as it’s not a 50 page Notion document.] We’re entering an age of belonging, where one of the most important tenets of...
What I learned in the year post-acquisition
This past February marked one year post-acquisition, which serves as an important milestone for all involved – legally and culturally. Once the acquisition closed, our minds were set on one singular goal – be a successful acquisition. With the failure rate of M&A being, shockingly, somewhere between 70-90%, we were determined to be in the 10-30%. A year in, all indicators point to...
The Value of an Accelerator
If I’m asked to provide my input on a topic a number of times, that serves as a signal that it’s probably worth writing about. I’m continually asked by other founders what my experience with ______ accelerator/incubator, and what my opinion on their value in general. In case you aren’t familiar with the space – these serve as programs for companies – usually in...
Self Promotion and Taking a Step Back
“I need my work to be remembered forever. I don’t need my name on anything anymore.” Approaching the back half of 2019 with a fresh approach opened for me the opportunity to reflect on the first half of the year. And sure enough, with the successful acquisition of Contactually, and the release of Success is in Your Sphere, there is much to be grateful for. I can also, however, revisit...
Success is in Your Sphere

Proud to share that you can now pre-order Success is in Your Sphere. You can order a copy at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine retailers. We first wrote the outline for a book in March 2015, marking a four year journey between then and now. I am so thankful to the many hands who have had a part in bringing this to reality. We build software – why a book? Everything we’ve done at...
Compass acquires Contactually
As just announced, Contactually has been acquired by Compass. You can read more at contactually.com/compass. All the emotions that have been foretold by mentors who have gone through a similar experience, I’m feeling right now. But the one feeling that stands out is nothing but thankfulness. Thankful for all the users, teams, and companies who have trusted us for years. Thankful for the results...
A new social fabric

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” -Winston Churchill Be forewarned; this is one of the more abstract concepts, and therefore posts, that I’ll write about. This has been floating around in my head for some time – an accretion of thoughts rather than a singular concrete idea. In the wake of the recent electoral upending of society, and the shockwaves that...
Building Relationships in Your Network: How a $20 Gift Can Have a Huge Impact
I originally wrote this for the Contactually Blog here, but I’m reposting this to my own blog. We believe relationships power great businesses. So our team at Contactually is always working on how we can help empower great relationships, through proven and new methods. We’ve heard of Basketball Diplomacy — how about Basketball Relationships? Hmm, maybe not as news-worthy or “diplomatic,”...
Being CEO of a growing venture, regardless of current success or support network, is a hard, dark, lonely position. It may be the best job in the world (definitely the best I’ve ever had), but it’s been riddled with many tough periods and scary moments – particularly in my head. Right now, I’m just thankful. Rather than chime in about darkness and depression, demons I have encountered many...